Your initial question is innocent enough and I'm sure that you'll find plenty of guys to have fun with, if that's what you're looking for.

As you can already see in the short time that you posted, you've have a lot of responses from guys and no doubt you've had lots of private emails. There's almost an air of desperation when so many guys respond to a woman's email, sight unseen.

I think what charmed meant is that you are putting yourself in danger and should be a bit more careful. There are lots of men here...lots and lots and lots and they all want to date women. Not just that, but many of the men believe that western women have little to no morals and are an instant ticket to sex. Thus, you'll get tons of guys that will want to meet you, not because they want to be your friend, but because they want to sleep with you.

To get straigt to the point:

Will you be able to have a social life when you get to Doha? Yes

Will you be able to find girlfriends to go shopping with? Yes

Will you be able to date guys? Yes

Should you advertise on-line that you want to date guys? Do what feels comfortable for you but realize that the guys will be all over you...and you'll get more than you bargained for.