I have read through the related posts in this site regarding your move to Qatar.I am also looking to move to Doha and probably will be getting an offer from Rasgas.
I understand that you have already moved, therefore very interested to hear about how it went for you and things to watch for.
Any information regarding living in Al Khor would be appreciated.
I am also interested in any information re being employed by Rasgas.
hi winnie,
I have read through the related posts in this site regarding your move to Qatar.I am also looking to move to Doha and probably will be getting an offer from Rasgas.
I understand that you have already moved, therefore very interested to hear about how it went for you and things to watch for.
Any information regarding living in Al Khor would be appreciated.
I am also interested in any information re being employed by Rasgas.
Hope you are enjoying your time in Qatar.
Best regards,