in most of the companies thinks that thier function is to squeez the employees out of benifits and try to hire them as minimum packages as possible. Now, every one who moves to Qatar does not move because of a better package. In case of mostly muslim western expatriates of india, Pakistan, Bungladesh and arab countries, they move to Qatar to be close to their extended families in the respective conutries. The HR people are aware of this and try to take advantage of this. What they forget to note is as soon as the conditions that forces these expatriates to Qatar changes, they will fly out of here as they will find better options in other Gulf states or back in the western world. HR does not see their fuction to help the employee work their jobs effectively and with peace of mind.
Sadly, this is true for most "Q" companies and also the small fishes in the pond. The HR managers are mostly Qatari's who have no exposure to outside world's work ethics. If the coditions have to improve they should work in western world to understand what is required of them (assuming they ever find any job in western world). An intensive education is needed for the local HR managers so that they can better understand their job function.
Until their attitude changes, it's not likely that things will change. Employee's will keep banging their heads for sometime and will leave as soon as they get next opportunity.
in most of the companies thinks that thier function is to squeez the employees out of benifits and try to hire them as minimum packages as possible. Now, every one who moves to Qatar does not move because of a better package. In case of mostly muslim western expatriates of india, Pakistan, Bungladesh and arab countries, they move to Qatar to be close to their extended families in the respective conutries. The HR people are aware of this and try to take advantage of this. What they forget to note is as soon as the conditions that forces these expatriates to Qatar changes, they will fly out of here as they will find better options in other Gulf states or back in the western world. HR does not see their fuction to help the employee work their jobs effectively and with peace of mind.
Sadly, this is true for most "Q" companies and also the small fishes in the pond. The HR managers are mostly Qatari's who have no exposure to outside world's work ethics. If the coditions have to improve they should work in western world to understand what is required of them (assuming they ever find any job in western world). An intensive education is needed for the local HR managers so that they can better understand their job function.
Until their attitude changes, it's not likely that things will change. Employee's will keep banging their heads for sometime and will leave as soon as they get next opportunity.