okei...Jrdebug, hoping for ur success too & to your family!
Really, i just chat w/ my husby & told him how i waited for him & our baby. He's excited too!
We'll both praying for it.
I thank too to the people whom just i knew in this website but willing enough to help (thanks to sl..)
Doha is far so good as long as u will come here sticking w/ ur principles & living all for GOD.
okei...Jrdebug, hoping for ur success too & to your family!
Really, i just chat w/ my husby & told him how i waited for him & our baby. He's excited too!
We'll both praying for it.
I thank too to the people whom just i knew in this website but willing enough to help (thanks to sl..)
Doha is far so good as long as u will come here sticking w/ ur principles & living all for GOD.
then,you will have the Glory!
-best of luck-