First of all, thanks so much for your nice words...

Regarding single women, she must be still in her dad (another man) who will spend his last penny over his family even they becomes matured and old enough to take care themselves. She will be there till she get married, if she does not work he brother will take care her expenses.

Daughter is another story….

Before Islam, Arabs were ashamed to born girls, and they had a very bad habit of killing them alive.

When Islam, came, this habit prohibited, however Arabs still feeling unhappy when they got baby girl…

Allah praise daughter and gift the man who will bring up his girl as Islamic rules tell him to be in Gennah (paradise)…

From then, it was known as a gift from Allah to have a baby girl, which means you have a high chance to be in Gennah if you bring her up and take care with her…

Daughters and sons are equal and have the same rights except in legacy the son takes double the daughter… I believe …the reason behind that because the man obligated to spend on his wife and his mother(if she becomes widow), his sister (if not married as well), however the legacy went to the daughter is for herself only.

Really, appreciate your questions...and hope I succeeded in answering them...Please, if you have more questions feel free to ask..


"Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?"

Surah "Al Mo'Emnon" verse (115)