Temporary marriage is Haram and forbidden for the majority of the Muslims scholars according to Sunnah and what have been received by prophet Mohamed (SWT).
It was valid for a period of time but then Prophet Mohamed prohibited it, as it was a cure for temporary situation.
Marriage was created to keep the people and society as one tissue. When one go to marry with an intention of divorce…there will be family and it will look like prostitution more than marriage.
Shiaa do not prohibit temporary marriage because they do not follow the Sunnah and they have their own rules…which in sometimes make them not Muslims at all (Ebn Hazm).
So as a golden rule, the true Islamic rules…are the ones which the majority of Muslims follow which is the Sunnah way…
Regarding any thing related the temporary marriage…it will not worth to talk about it as it is not applicable to Muslims to commit this kind of marriage which is considered as adultery.
"Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?"
Temporary marriage is Haram and forbidden for the majority of the Muslims scholars according to Sunnah and what have been received by prophet Mohamed (SWT).
It was valid for a period of time but then Prophet Mohamed prohibited it, as it was a cure for temporary situation.
Marriage was created to keep the people and society as one tissue. When one go to marry with an intention of divorce…there will be family and it will look like prostitution more than marriage.
Shiaa do not prohibit temporary marriage because they do not follow the Sunnah and they have their own rules…which in sometimes make them not Muslims at all (Ebn Hazm).
So as a golden rule, the true Islamic rules…are the ones which the majority of Muslims follow which is the Sunnah way…
Regarding any thing related the temporary marriage…it will not worth to talk about it as it is not applicable to Muslims to commit this kind of marriage which is considered as adultery.
"Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?"
Surah "Al Mo'Emnon" verse (115)