It seems to be to do with activities which require you to take aim.
My husband is right handed in everything except cricket and golf, which he plays left handed. I was curious so did some research to see what this phenomenom is known as.
"Cross-dominance, also known as mixed-handedness, mixed dominance, or hand-confusion, is a motor skill manifestation where a person favors one hand for some tasks and the other hand for others. For example, a cross-dominant person might write with the left hand but grab primarily with the right. Ambidexterity is a well-known variant of cross-dominance, but cross-dominant people may also be left or right-handed rather than ambidextrous.
It can also refer to mixed laterality, which refers to a person favoring eyes, ears, feet, or hands on one side of the body. A person who is Cross-dominant can also be stronger on the opposite side of the body that they favor; for example, a right-handed person can be stronger on the left side. Cross-dominance can often be a problem when shooting or in activities that require aim".
So, there you go! I suppose you 'aim' at a key when you text on your phone, but you don't have to 'take aim' when you use your mouse. Same as my hub has to take aim when he addresses a cricket or golf ball, but not when he writes.
It seems to be to do with activities which require you to take aim.
My husband is right handed in everything except cricket and golf, which he plays left handed. I was curious so did some research to see what this phenomenom is known as.
"Cross-dominance, also known as mixed-handedness, mixed dominance, or hand-confusion, is a motor skill manifestation where a person favors one hand for some tasks and the other hand for others. For example, a cross-dominant person might write with the left hand but grab primarily with the right. Ambidexterity is a well-known variant of cross-dominance, but cross-dominant people may also be left or right-handed rather than ambidextrous.
It can also refer to mixed laterality, which refers to a person favoring eyes, ears, feet, or hands on one side of the body. A person who is Cross-dominant can also be stronger on the opposite side of the body that they favor; for example, a right-handed person can be stronger on the left side. Cross-dominance can often be a problem when shooting or in activities that require aim".
So, there you go! I suppose you 'aim' at a key when you text on your phone, but you don't have to 'take aim' when you use your mouse. Same as my hub has to take aim when he addresses a cricket or golf ball, but not when he writes.