Best Dealer was Volvo!! They treat u as a customer!! I mean I went to all dealers and I had to ask around for sales people who were just sitting behind their desks trying to look busy!! Toyota Dealers are the worst, I compare them to Qtel. They know people tend to buy Toyota so they don't even bother to give u time!

so you are willing to spend 130K. Your choices would be, Toyota Prado (starting from 114k), Nissan Pathfinder, Nissan Maurano (128k - 140k fully loaded) Mitsubishi Pajero (Low 95k, mid 100K, high 106k) Honda CRV (84k - 107k loaded) Honda MRV (114k- 134k). If after a while u want to sell one of these cars you won't lose as much as other cars. Selling Honda won't be as easy as Toyota, Nissan & Mitsubishi

most American cars fit your budget, Ford (Explorer 102, Exphidition 112-126k) GMS (Envoy 104, Denali 136k) Dodge Durango 2006 100K, Jeep 100k- 125k but the lose value fast.

At the end I bought Pajero for 100K (medium range) because it was my wife's choice :) too bad its just 3000cc

my advice, you can always negotiate the price for all cars. the Pajero I bought was for 110k :)