My 2 cents

I beleive in Islam, Christian & jewish religions. As these three religions were passed on to us from Allah/God by his messengers.
Now most Muslim people argue by saying "its in the book" simply because they have not learned enough about their religion. I mean when it comes to Islam, you see all kinds of people (mostly being muslims BY NAME ONLY) jump in to "defending" Islam in a very defensive way without actually knwoing what the hell they are talking about! getting emotional rather than getting to the point.
I for a change have always questioned religion. I never accepted the answer "it is written in Quran". I wanted to know why this is banned, this is allowed. From asking people to doing my own reseacrh I did come out with answers and I am happy with them. If I want to give an example I would talk about "prok" hitting many posts with one stone :)
I could not understand why Prok is not allowed in Islam or Jewish religion! and I have asked many people who could not answer me. I did my own research and came out with many findings, Due to my bad memory I can only remember the following:
1. pigs are the only animals who eat, sleep & bath in their own crap (S**T) (Yes, they use mud to protect their skins)
2. pigs are the only animals (who live in communities) who do not protect their females (from other male pigs)
3. Pigs meat has high bacteria rate than any other kind of meat
I wouldn't want to eat an animal who eats sleeps & s**ts in the same place!

What we see in some part of the muslim worlds is not what Islam is all about. most of them are just followers who don't have a brain of their own. Follwoing people who interpret Islam wrongly either for their own agenda or simply for being plain stupid
The problem that we are facing nowadays are the extremests from all around the word and not just extremest from Islam. One should never judge a whole religion for the acts of some.

Allah/God has given us a brain to use, its our choice weather we want to use our brains or not :)

When people say "Its god's will", they just want a hanger for all choices/mistakes in their lives. Yes Alla/God has given us "FREE WILL" thats why we will be punished or awarded in our after life for the choices we made FREELY