What I forgot to add to the bottom of my post was that I didn't mean all qatari's are like that, but I am sure most qatari have at least 3 aquaintences that do think along the lines of being more superior.....
Attitudes like "it's my country, if you don't like it leave" make us expats very weary about trusting qataris also....
Like I said, I came back here because I enjoyed Qatar during my first visit, I definately didn't come back for the money... my salary is not that great..... but the experience is worth it for a South African girl who grew up at the end of apartheid.... As here, I am certainly experiencing it for myself, first hand...... and I will now have much more sympathy for the struggle and oppression my fellow south africans went through.
Oh, and one more thing..... the Qatari's must still need the expats here otherwise why would they be pandering to the large salaries that are requested? So if you think about it..... Yes most people are here for money, but the Qatari's are still issuing work visas.....
Richard, I agree with you in some instances....
What I forgot to add to the bottom of my post was that I didn't mean all qatari's are like that, but I am sure most qatari have at least 3 aquaintences that do think along the lines of being more superior.....
Attitudes like "it's my country, if you don't like it leave" make us expats very weary about trusting qataris also....
Like I said, I came back here because I enjoyed Qatar during my first visit, I definately didn't come back for the money... my salary is not that great..... but the experience is worth it for a South African girl who grew up at the end of apartheid.... As here, I am certainly experiencing it for myself, first hand...... and I will now have much more sympathy for the struggle and oppression my fellow south africans went through.
Oh, and one more thing..... the Qatari's must still need the expats here otherwise why would they be pandering to the large salaries that are requested? So if you think about it..... Yes most people are here for money, but the Qatari's are still issuing work visas.....