Pm, please take no offense to this comment. And Midget, I know you are reading, you might stop now as you will find the comment below very dull and boring and pathetic.

I was quite disturbed as to how vicious you have been to Apple in the adultery Threat. You have been bragging about what a strong woman you are all along, however the very fact that you suffer from depression is a very clear indicator that you have you weaknesses too.

THe thing is, we all have our strenghts and our weaknesses. You might be educated and succesful, but you might lack emotional strenth. Having said that, I do believe that women are the stronger sex (of course there always are individual exeptions to the rule). Did you consider Apples background and circustances before accusing her of being weak? Many women around the world are not as lucky as to have an education or career to match our standards. Maybe, just maybe, in their world, to be strong means to be a good wife and a good mother and to set an example of loyalty to their family. What is wrong with that? Sure, I disagree, but I am noone to tell them how to live their lifes. I grew being expected to learn to provide for myself, to don't lower myself to anyone including my own family, to fight against any kind of abuse or oppresion. But I accept that other women might have different values and is not for me to judge them because, in some cases, people don't even think about oppresion as long as they have food in their plates.

IT's funny because Apple somehow reminded me to my grandmother. She is one of the strongest woman I have known, yet she always made a point of being obedient to my grandfather, like if he was some kind of God and she was his slave, even when he was being overtly disrespectful to her in front of everyone. My grandmother has no education, all she has is a great heart and an amazing willigness to please and serve her family.From being very very poor when they got married, my grandfather became a very successful business man and in a small way, a politician. Every time we asked him about the secrets of his success he would say that behind every great man there is a great woman, and he would be nothing without the love and care of my grandmother. Although she is a very uneducated woman who can barely read, she pushed all her sons and daughters to go to university. If I took bad school grades at home, she would go absolutely mad at myself and my mother!

When my grandfather retired, he became a poet and published two beautiful books, most of his poems are about my grandmother, his slave.

PS: Sorry about spelling mistakes, the fact that I cannot write properly in english doesn't necesarily mean that I'm stupid.