Please, give us an intelligent argument here ,please. Postpartum depression has nothing to do with Islam.

Postpartum depression is an extremely common illness for new mothers. I tends to subside within a week but in some cases it can last for months. Again, it tends to go by itself.

However, if it lasts for a long time and it is left untreated, it can degenerate into psicosis. This is when the mother feels suicidal and desires to harm her babies as well. It's rare, but its well documented and it does happen all over the world. Also, it is not exclusive to humans, it also occurs with most mamals!!!

That's nothing to do with religion or race, it's a mental illness.

Han is right, the chances of a mother becoming psicothyc is when she has no support so there is noone around to detect her unusual behaviour. However I would think that if it happens in Qatar, as usual, the family would try to hide the details and it would never go public. Just a guess.