On the subject of Mexican Labor. Where have you guys been? I have done a lot of construction work in the last five years in Houston. I can tell you the countless stories of workers getting stiffed by contractors and others. What is the recourse for them nothing. If they complain the people call Immigration. Sound familiar how many cases here are really about adultery or is it an excuse to get rid of a maid or driver.
The situation is the same as Ahmad explained for the workers here. I asked so many of the guys that I worked with why did they waste their money on beer and cantinas. The cantinas and dance halls are were they hang out on week nights and weekends for alcohol and other pleasures. The next day they are either at the construction site or back at the day labor pools just go to Home Depot or Lowes in any Major US City.
We have stories about human traffickers and employers holding people against their will or making the work for peanuts in America also. This problem is a world problem that even we are not exempt from. I invite anyone to visit me in Houston if they don't believe it happens in America. So don't be so "Holier than thou" to Qataris.
The difference is here adultery is against the law. The same as prostitution is in the America. However in most cases it is ignored by the police because it usually only happens in poor neighborhoods. How many cantinas,massage parlors or above ground escort services have you seen? Where are they usually located? I know a lot expats are homesick but don't over glorify our countries. Human Beings are Human Beings were ever you go and we are all capable of some very questionable behaviour regardless of our societal status.
We tend to over simplify these situations. I know too many people who went to school with girls but still had mad crushes or didn't know how to interact. Come on guys and girls, we know someone like this or it was us be honest. I definitely didn't go to a private school. In some cases it may have to do with accessibility but for the most part no. I know plenty of men and women who went to school, married, and generally mixed with the opposite sex but are to this day are homosexual.
If that was the case as you guys stated the majority of the people who are homosexual went to a religious or same sex boarding schools. Or the guy who was to afraid to ask some one to the prom or on a date was gay. What about the guys who shower in community showers at the coed gym or school. Are they homosexual? Maybe if we had coed showers guys would not feel the need to stare at the family jewels. Oh thats not homosexual behaviour its just manly men showing off the wares to other men :-). Miss Canada they should do a study on this...
(disclaimer it is a joke)
On the subject of Mexican Labor. Where have you guys been? I have done a lot of construction work in the last five years in Houston. I can tell you the countless stories of workers getting stiffed by contractors and others. What is the recourse for them nothing. If they complain the people call Immigration. Sound familiar how many cases here are really about adultery or is it an excuse to get rid of a maid or driver.
The situation is the same as Ahmad explained for the workers here. I asked so many of the guys that I worked with why did they waste their money on beer and cantinas. The cantinas and dance halls are were they hang out on week nights and weekends for alcohol and other pleasures. The next day they are either at the construction site or back at the day labor pools just go to Home Depot or Lowes in any Major US City.
We have stories about human traffickers and employers holding people against their will or making the work for peanuts in America also. This problem is a world problem that even we are not exempt from. I invite anyone to visit me in Houston if they don't believe it happens in America. So don't be so "Holier than thou" to Qataris.
The difference is here adultery is against the law. The same as prostitution is in the America. However in most cases it is ignored by the police because it usually only happens in poor neighborhoods. How many cantinas,massage parlors or above ground escort services have you seen? Where are they usually located? I know a lot expats are homesick but don't over glorify our countries. Human Beings are Human Beings were ever you go and we are all capable of some very questionable behaviour regardless of our societal status.
We tend to over simplify these situations. I know too many people who went to school with girls but still had mad crushes or didn't know how to interact. Come on guys and girls, we know someone like this or it was us be honest. I definitely didn't go to a private school. In some cases it may have to do with accessibility but for the most part no. I know plenty of men and women who went to school, married, and generally mixed with the opposite sex but are to this day are homosexual.
If that was the case as you guys stated the majority of the people who are homosexual went to a religious or same sex boarding schools. Or the guy who was to afraid to ask some one to the prom or on a date was gay. What about the guys who shower in community showers at the coed gym or school. Are they homosexual? Maybe if we had coed showers guys would not feel the need to stare at the family jewels. Oh thats not homosexual behaviour its just manly men showing off the wares to other men :-). Miss Canada they should do a study on this...
(disclaimer it is a joke)
Act your age not your shoe size