The service is good, reliable and let's say 4-5 times less expensive than their own shipping rates without this facility. First 1/2 kg costs you 8 dollars and it is 5.50 for each additional 1/2kg. Mind you, when it comes from US, the weight will be in pounds, so how they calculate the charge, beats me. The fact is that I have never paid more than 70 reals for my purchases from

Be careful, though, don't get your mailbox address on a junk mailing list, otherwise you will end up paying 8 dollars per each crappy catalogue or leaflet which will come on your name. I buy everything from (and most of the companies do sell through and nothing happened so far.

Timewise it takes the package approximately 3-4 (rarely more than that) days to get to Doha, from the moment it arrives in your mailbox in US. UK takes 1-2 days.

So far I am very happy with their service. My only complain is that they don't deliver, you have to go and fetch it yourself. But they do send you SMS, and there is tracking of items in your mailbox online. Check them at

There is one more service Supposedly they filter junk mail, but being happy with Aramex I have never tried them.