Rubbish. How do profile a terrorist? Is he an Arab, American, British, black, white purple, green. Is his name Muhammad, Bill, Timothy, George, Mustafa. His uncle went to prison or lived in the Middle East for three years. Hmmm they profiled the Japanese, in WWII to hell with all of them for our safety lets just put them in concentration camps they all look like kamakazi pilots or spies.
Profiling is full of crap. African Americans have been profiled for so long it is a shame. I can not tell you how many times I have been stopped in America because of profiling. I just started carrying my government credentials to flash at the idiots after they fully searched me or my vehicle only because I was African American and drove a nice car.
Now I get to have fun in the stupid airports of the US and Europe with more paranoid people because I have the pleasure of having a Muslim name. Even though I now they have done a full background check on me before I set foot in the airport.
The same goes for the employees at the airports. You cannot tell me that they have not screened them thoroughly before allowing them to work. If companies and airport agencies hired them without doing due diligence in the screening process. It is not the employees fault but the employer.
I am tired of this profiling crap in the name of security it has not made anyone safer. Muslim does not equal terrorist. The same way African American does not equal drug importer or dealer. Racism in the name of safety is still racism. The same way racial profiling has not decreased the drug trade in America because the people usually transporting the stuff are not the people they profile and search.
Rubbish. How do profile a terrorist? Is he an Arab, American, British, black, white purple, green. Is his name Muhammad, Bill, Timothy, George, Mustafa. His uncle went to prison or lived in the Middle East for three years. Hmmm they profiled the Japanese, in WWII to hell with all of them for our safety lets just put them in concentration camps they all look like kamakazi pilots or spies.
Profiling is full of crap. African Americans have been profiled for so long it is a shame. I can not tell you how many times I have been stopped in America because of profiling. I just started carrying my government credentials to flash at the idiots after they fully searched me or my vehicle only because I was African American and drove a nice car.
Now I get to have fun in the stupid airports of the US and Europe with more paranoid people because I have the pleasure of having a Muslim name. Even though I now they have done a full background check on me before I set foot in the airport.
The same goes for the employees at the airports. You cannot tell me that they have not screened them thoroughly before allowing them to work. If companies and airport agencies hired them without doing due diligence in the screening process. It is not the employees fault but the employer.
I am tired of this profiling crap in the name of security it has not made anyone safer. Muslim does not equal terrorist. The same way African American does not equal drug importer or dealer. Racism in the name of safety is still racism. The same way racial profiling has not decreased the drug trade in America because the people usually transporting the stuff are not the people they profile and search.
Act your age not your shoe size