I believe I was discussing the topic, but ESL decided to respond with emotional drivel rather then an actual argument.

Israel was not created illegally. It was created after much thought and long discussion by the major powers of the time with major Zionist groups on where the best place to put the tens of thousands of displaced Jews was. Palestime wasa chosen because it was their ancestral homeland and there was already a large Jewish population there, and there always had been. Of course the Arab nations did not agree. But really, when it comes down to it, it was not Israel's fault. These people were refugees who had just lived through a mass holocaust and they had to be put somewhere. They didn't have a choice.

Also there is no evidence whatsoever that Israel broke UN sanctions in the war with Lebanon, if there was I would agree that they should be reprimanded for it. However, politically, the situation is not that simple. To reprimand them would be to show your displeasure, which is something the Palestinians, Syrians, Egyptians, etc would jump at, resulting in more suicide bombings in Israel, and more deaths.

71% of the population is Jewish. 52% of them were born in Israel, 23% are Arab.

Jews have been in the area and emmigrating to the area since the 1300's. The largest influx was in the 1800's, when anti-Semetism was at its height in Europe.

In 1914 there were 100,000 Jews living in Palestime. David Ben Gurion was leading a political party in the area as early as 1919. By the end of the 1930's there were almost half a million Jews in Palestine. Many of their families dating back hundreds of years.