Thanks, Munuschick. Prior to coming here, I tried to learn as much as I could about the availability of baby items and pet-related items. is a great forum to share one's experience so that others can plan or adjust preparation accordingly.

Munoschick: The liquid ban mandated by TSA has been loosened a bit so that you can carry liquid/gel items each weighing less than 4oz. They all must fit in a quart-size zip lock bag. They will not make you test baby milk/formula. In Heathrow, nothing is allowed. If you're carrying liquid baby food/milk, they will make you test it in their presence.

If you haven't bought a convertible car seat, I would recommend Britax Marathon. I did a lot of research prior to buying one and we're really happy with it. The weight limit on it is 65 lbs so your baby will be using it for a while. Let me know if you have any other questions.