Thanks for your reply! I have marhaba (and a bunch of other Doha books; I'm a professor after all, collecting books is part of what we do :) ).
I guess I was wondering whether people had particularly good or bad experience with delivery food. I know that a lot of Americans in the diplomatic and academic communities here love Turkey Central, but was hoping to get some other personal recs if anyone has them.
Now if I could only figure out where the al-Gharrafa primary medical facility is.
Thanks for your reply! I have marhaba (and a bunch of other Doha books; I'm a professor after all, collecting books is part of what we do :) ).
I guess I was wondering whether people had particularly good or bad experience with delivery food. I know that a lot of Americans in the diplomatic and academic communities here love Turkey Central, but was hoping to get some other personal recs if anyone has them.
Now if I could only figure out where the al-Gharrafa primary medical facility is.