Unfortunately, and while what you've said is very worthy what I see when I'm out is just the abstinence from food and drink.
I know Ramadan encourages, as you say, "the discipline of our soul and moral behavior," ... "develop self-restraint, self-purification, God-consciousness, compassion, the spirit of caring and sharing, the love of humanity and the love of God."
I am appalled every day when I see what lack of consideration there is for others. In a traffic jam people will overtake on the right, on the roadside. They will encroach and almost budge your car just to squeeze in ahead of you. And they will stare ahead and pretend they don't see you. Many of them I'm sure are fasting.
At a bakery they don't care that you were there before them. They'll barge in and shout out what they want.
And so many people think Ramadan is a green-light to stop working and stay up late waching TV or visiting friends. The malls open from 10 am to 1 pm. That's 3 daylight hours! In an air-conditioned environment!
I wish there was more of the true spirit of Ramadan as it was intended and I wish that spirit continues throughout the year, not just in Doha but throughout the Arab world.
Unfortunately, and while what you've said is very worthy what I see when I'm out is just the abstinence from food and drink.
I know Ramadan encourages, as you say, "the discipline of our soul and moral behavior," ... "develop self-restraint, self-purification, God-consciousness, compassion, the spirit of caring and sharing, the love of humanity and the love of God."
I am appalled every day when I see what lack of consideration there is for others. In a traffic jam people will overtake on the right, on the roadside. They will encroach and almost budge your car just to squeeze in ahead of you. And they will stare ahead and pretend they don't see you. Many of them I'm sure are fasting.
At a bakery they don't care that you were there before them. They'll barge in and shout out what they want.
And so many people think Ramadan is a green-light to stop working and stay up late waching TV or visiting friends. The malls open from 10 am to 1 pm. That's 3 daylight hours! In an air-conditioned environment!
I wish there was more of the true spirit of Ramadan as it was intended and I wish that spirit continues throughout the year, not just in Doha but throughout the Arab world.