Whats with this morbid fascination to speak perfect english. I think that a large sum of Qataries speak competent english if not fluent. Besides, my generation is much more conscious of their english skills and thats y u have education city. Ironically, their arabic skills r deteriorating when it comes to grammar and vocab. Theres no balance. I think thats how it's almost always like in Qatar. Nothing done gradually and tactfully.
Whats with this morbid fascination to speak perfect english. I think that a large sum of Qataries speak competent english if not fluent. Besides, my generation is much more conscious of their english skills and thats y u have education city. Ironically, their arabic skills r deteriorating when it comes to grammar and vocab. Theres no balance. I think thats how it's almost always like in Qatar. Nothing done gradually and tactfully.