These are babies that I've been forced into buying by the kids and as with all our pets after the novelty wears off (one day) I'm stuck with feeding, care and cleanup.
I've seen the online resources. Separate eating location, basking light and area, UVA/UVB light.
How many times do you feed them (babies) and for how long at a time? They're not eating lettuce but they like the pellets when they're a bit mushy.
Pretty much everything.
These are babies that I've been forced into buying by the kids and as with all our pets after the novelty wears off (one day) I'm stuck with feeding, care and cleanup.
I've seen the online resources. Separate eating location, basking light and area, UVA/UVB light.
How many times do you feed them (babies) and for how long at a time? They're not eating lettuce but they like the pellets when they're a bit mushy.
They crap a helluva lot.