Your annual salary will work out to just over 23,000 Riyals per month. Since you'll have your family with you suitable acommodation will cost you anywhere in the region of 8000-14000 Riyals. Factor in school fees (very expensive), trasnporatation/car ownership and cost of living and it's not worth the move.
Dweller is right, any self-respecting company in Doha should provide good furnished accommodation or a generous housing allowance, pay your kids' school fees and give you a company car or trasportation allowance.
Your annual salary will work out to just over 23,000 Riyals per month. Since you'll have your family with you suitable acommodation will cost you anywhere in the region of 8000-14000 Riyals. Factor in school fees (very expensive), trasnporatation/car ownership and cost of living and it's not worth the move.
Dweller is right, any self-respecting company in Doha should provide good furnished accommodation or a generous housing allowance, pay your kids' school fees and give you a company car or trasportation allowance.