Woohoo, my 1000th post comes after a post that says my views are like Noam Chomsky's. I love the man. And actually TG, he is very self deprecating about the US. I like anyone who actually questions the country they are in and the decisions made, especially the media of that country. My honours thesis was about how American media never wavers from its pro-government viewpoint until the majority of the country is in protest to the government. (I.E. Veitnam)

You see Americans are subjected to incredible amounts of patriotism since birth (you could say brainwashing), to the point that the majority believe that their country can do no wrong. We Canadians get a little bit of it because we share a lot of the same TV and books and such. When Americans actually realize that perhaps their country isn't perfect it usually results in complete hatred of the country, or, more commonly, scapegoating "I never voted for Bush, therefore I am not responsible for my countries faults." "I am a responsible gun owner, who likes my gun, therefore Columbine and the rising death rate due to guns has nothing to do with me, I am not involved."