I could have a gun in my hands in this country (illegally) in under 24 hours if I wanted one. As for the deaths in America from gun violence, most of those are caused by people illegally using guns (some imported from other countries illegally). The big theme here is bad guys have guns that they did not get the right way. Arm responsible citizens to protect themselves because most of the time the cops are outgunned, overtaxed, and not capable of controlling everyone. If someone abuses that privilege, hammer them in court and put them away for good.
I could have a gun in my hands in this country (illegally) in under 24 hours if I wanted one. As for the deaths in America from gun violence, most of those are caused by people illegally using guns (some imported from other countries illegally). The big theme here is bad guys have guns that they did not get the right way. Arm responsible citizens to protect themselves because most of the time the cops are outgunned, overtaxed, and not capable of controlling everyone. If someone abuses that privilege, hammer them in court and put them away for good.