After reading and re-reading these posts I can't help but think that Lilli and Aisha are continuously "eating there own words".

Islam is the true religion, but the majority of Muslims don't follow Islam properly. Saudi is the shining beacon of Islam but they are not the best example of Islam. YOu must beable to read Arabic properly to understand it, but the majority of the world doesn't read Arabic. Christians don't say that you have to beable to read Latin or Jews Hebrew to read the Bible or the Torah properly. The Quran condones waging war against those who aren't of the true faith, but Al Qaeida is wrong.

I commend you for your efforts to follow the Quran's teachings, but you have to admit that the majority of Muslims don't. They pervert the Qurans meanings for their own purposes. WHich is the problem Westerners have with Islam. (CHristians and Jews are no better, we constantly question or faith, but at least we admit it).

I cannot follow or condone any faith that promotes killing others as a way to spread the faith or keep the faith. And I don't beleive any God would do so either. If he/she/it truley beleived that those who aren't Muslim deserve to burn in Hell and be killed would he not do it himself? Why would he leave it up to you or other Muslims to judge the rest of the world for their beleifs. Why would he leave it up to Christians or Jews (thought funnily enough neither of those religions condone violence, but all of sudden yours does). And why would God create rules with so many interpretations. If he wanted humanity to follow his law would he not have made it more clear. He created us, obviously he knows are faults.

The fact that Islam even rewrites the Bible and the Torah for it's own purposes (Lot vs. Lut) once again proves that it cannot be taken as the literal word of God. Why would God rewrite what he already said?

So once agian, I commend you both for trying to live the best lives you can and using the Quran as your guide, but you have to understand that the rest of us cannot accept the Quran as truth, and that we cannot accept those who use it to kill others.