Yes I guess you do shoot yourself in the foot. In more than one respect. Your words: "to fully understand the Qoran you must have a good command of the Arabic language.......Translations do not do it justice.." - doesn't it mean that it was written for Arabs alone? Because, you know, Arabic is not the easiest language to master. And if it was, indeed, written only for Arabs, then how can it be "universal", "last", "the only true/real" word of God?
So many things in Islam indicate that it should be applicable to a particular region and particular time, alone. The five pillars of Islam - they are impossible for everyone to stick to. Take the fast of Ramadan for instance, when "everyone" is supposed to fast from sun up to sun down. There are also some references to "white thread - black thread" - I am sure you know about it. Tell me, how can native Canadians fast, for instance, for their days last 6 months, and their nights, too? There are too many shortfalls in Islamic teachings, in my opinion, for me to hold is as a universal truth.

And as for Muslims being killed for converting to Christianity - are you kidding me? It is all over the news! Check here:
There is no country where political system is a religion, other than Muslim countries. There is simply NO LAW anywhere in the world that people should be punished for leaving the State religion, except when it comes to Islam!