I personally think there's lots for a teenager to do here. I think it's mostly like most western countries with the exception of all the bad influences (No alcohol in grocery stores and such).

Apart from the sports that have been mentioned a billion times, there are a lot of other ones that anyone may join and most of the time get coaching for free. Golf, archery, shooting and a lot of other ones that are completely free.

For the not so sport oriented teen, there's the Scientific Club which is like a club that allows members to expand their scientific abilities. The Scientific Club will die out soon as the new Science and Technology park is opening up soon and lots of major corprations such as Microsoft and Dell are taking part in it.

Movies aren't half bad either. The real blockbusters make it here within a week, while other not-so-good ones make it here in 2-3 weeks.

There's also Alladin's Kingdom which is an OK theme park. Isn't as great as many others but it's OK. This won't last long as it will be changed into a water park.

There are lots of other tid bits but you're going to have to find them out when you come here!