

 Seeking the role in Mechanical engineer experienced in maintenance engineering where I would be given an opportunity to utilize the theoretical skills, practical skills Sense of responsibility and efficiency to the organization goal.



Work Experience:


Maintenance Engineer


Finolex Cable Ltd |Verna, Goa |

June-2016 to March-2017


  • Guiding Maintenance technician for the Preventive and breakdown maintenance for equipments like Armouring Machines, Hydraulic Lifting Machines, Centrifugal pumps, Cable extrusion Line.
  • Carrying breakdown maintenance on the machine equipments.
  • Monitoring  the maintenance work carried by technicians on daily basis.





  • Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering from NMAM Institute of Technology Nitte.

(8.41 out of 10 CGPA in the year 2016)

  • Diploma in Mechanical engineering From Shree Vidyadhiraj Polytechnic Kumta.

(73% in the year 2013)

  •   10th Standard in Saint Thomas High School Honnavar.

               (77.23%in year 2009)



Technical Skills:


Primavera P6                     Solid Edges V.19,                                          Ansys10.0        

C N C Programming.          Creo Parametric 2.0                                      MS Excel

PowerPoint                         MS Word



Training and Certification:


  • ØMember of Condition monitoring society of India (CMSI).
  • ØCourse on Primavera Project Management in Synergy School of Business Skills.
  • ØCompleted course On Individual effectiveness Labs,Organizational Effectiveness Labs and Immersive group                         workshop From i-POINT Consulting Services Pvt .Ltd






  • Good communication and analytical skills.
  • Sound knowledge in applied engineering concepts.
  • Goal oriented and dedicated.
  • Team player, hardworking, quick learner, confident and self-motivated.





  • Design, Development and Fabrication  of an Areca nut Dehusker (2015-2016)

Project Objective: Designing and fabricating a compact, automatic machine in order to dehusk the Areca nut without damaging the inside nut and to lower the labour cost.


  • Fabrication of the trailer for a 2 wheeler bike (2012-2013)

Project Objective: Fabricating a trailer attachment for 2 wheeler motor bike to facilitate farmers in village to transport their goods.



Personal Details:


Father’s Name               :           Mr. Salvador Tellis

Mothers Name              :           Teresa Tellis

Date of Birth                 :           07th May 1994

Permanent Address:       1526, Karkinaka,Honnavar, Uttarakannada

Karnataka,India Pin:581334

Languages known          :           English, Kannada, Hindi and Konkani

Marital Status                :    Unmarried


Passport Details:


Passport Number           : P2193427

Date of expiry               : 05/06/2026

Nationality                     : Indian



I hereby declare that above mentioned information are correct up to my knowledge.


Date:  01/8/2017                                                                                                                                                                          DENIS SALVADOR TELLIS

Place: Doha, Qatar

Denis Tellis

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