Shiyas Maratti Khadar

Shiyas Maratti Khadar

Member since: April 2017
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Dear Sir or Madam:


        I am a COMPEX Certified Third Party Electrical / Instrumentation / Control and Automation (EICA) Inspector with 14+ years of experience in Third Party Inspection, Quality Control, Erection, Installation and Commissioning - Majorly in the Oil / Gas and Energy Sectors.


I am an expertise on Third Party / COMPEX Inspections, QC Engineering / Team Leading, Quality Control of both Electrical and Instrumentation Systems, Industrial Automation and Managing Electrical / Instrumentation construction activities. Expertise on both Onshore and Offshore projects.


I have worked with Third Party Inspection Agencies: Bureau Veritas and Applus + Velosi. Oil & Gas Operators: British Petroleum, Stat Oil, NEXEN Petroleum, ADCO (ADNOC), Qatar Petroleum, Sonatrach, National Iranian Oil Company, National Drilling Company etc. Also I have carried out two Power Plant Projects and several Sub Stations.


Above and beyond my experience and capabilities I have a high level of interpersonal skills and naturally engaging personality. My motivations include learning new things, the challenge of meeting the needs of an organisation, and ensuring high-quality outcomes.


To further acquaint you with the specifics of my background I enclose my curriculum vitae. If you find my experience meets your requirements, please contact me for the personal interview.

Looking forward to deliver the same sense of commitment and co-operation

Thank you for the consideration. 

Shiyas Maratti Khadar.


Shiyas Maratti Khadar @saskadhir

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