

Member since: February 2018
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Mob: Qatar +974-33017197

Email: [email protected]

Visa status : Visit visa


Carrers summary:

Highly successful  Accountant  professional, regional & branch representative with in an international companies.possess more than 5 years of experience in all aspects of accounting.controlling banking operations.  cash operations management, forecasting  interpreting regulations, and developing , customer report,resolving problems, administrations, risk and financial management.

·         Banking & cash management.

·         Managing Approval Activities.

·         Accounts payable/ Accounts Receivable.

·         Inventory records

·         Bank and statement Reconcilation.

·         Prepare financial statement.


Working Experience 5 years

PRO LLC UAE-April 2017 to July2017


Job responsibilities:

Reporting to finance manager

·         Cash ledger and bank ledger monitoring each cash and bank transaction verify with support document.

·         Preparing bank reconciliation with bank statement make entry for bank charges. Post dated cheques receivable and payable verify for bank financial status


·         Control credit level reduce bad debts ,follow up customers for payment receivables. Depreciation for Assets like office equipments etc.

·         Check bank financial status and issuing cheques for creditors current dated and post dated cheques


·         Preparation of monthly staff salary . make entry for staff advance deduction and wage protection service charges

·         Received  goods receipt from warehouse after uptaded the purchases.

·         Preparing monthly closing entries like accrual expenses and prepaid expenses.

·         Accrual entry for monthly telephone and internet expenses prepaid  entryfor rent,trade license etc.

·         Owners current account and adjustment for drawings.

·         Preparing monthly income statement (MIS)  profit and loss account and balance sheet.

Highclass Economic Smart Building UAE-June 2015 to sep 2016


Job responsibilities:

Reporting to finance manager

·         Handle customers, vendors & intercompany ledgers reconciliation and bank reconcilations & reconciling entries for bank charges and other charges.

·         Cash ledger monitoring each cash transaction verify with vouchers. Petty cash monitoring.

·         Debtors ageing list follow up and reduce the bad debts. Make provision for bad doubtful debts.

·         Each purchases like congrete, hallow, steels, project wise registering.

·         Each expenses monitoring and project wise registered. preparing running invoice for completed stage.

·         Preparing closing entries, provisions for end of service graduity , insurance , purchase and expenses. Make entries for accrued expenses.

·         Make prepaid entries for prepaid amount like building rent, visa, trade license. Make depreciation for fixed assets and office equipments. Owners current accounts drawings adjustment.

·         Prepare monthly financial report income statement, profit and loss account and balance sheet.



Winning Deal computers LLc Dubai-M


arch 2013 to march 2015


Job responsibilities

Reporting manager

·         Cash ledger handling, make entry for all cash transaction cash sales ,cash receipt and payment pettycash monitoring day by day.

·         Bank ledger handling daily monitoring posted dated, current dated cheques, other transaction and bank balances . prepare entry for bank charges and cheque book charges etc.

·         Debtors and creditors reconciliation  monitoring aged receivables and payables and follow up customer dues and prepare payment to suppliers.

·         Inventory handling weekly basis collecting report from store. Reports verifying with sales and purchase report.

·         Delivery notes, invoices, quotations, purchase and sales order monitoring.

·         Manage vendor invoice verification and approval for accounting while handling vendor account reconciliation and resolving the difference ensure timely preparation of documentation.

·         Preparation of monthly cash, bank report and inventory report.

Extra responsibilities:

·         Export documentation papers arrange and apply online.

·         Export paper Attested get from chamber

·         Certificate of orgin (CEO) Arrange from chamber

·         Stock send to shipping with documents.

Thaqwa builders india-june 2011 to dec2012


Job responsibilities

·         Project files keeping and vouchers

·         Phone calls attend and collecting accounts statement from suppliers

·         Making purchase orders and other admin related paper works

·         Receiving cash, cheques from customers.and deposited to bank

·         Dealing with financial paper work and filling.

·         Maintaining aacounts in the required software like tally




Bharathidasan university Trichy    B.COM – 2011

Special skills:

·         Computer

·         Microsoft office


·         Accounting packages:

Tally , focus.

Languages known:

·         Tamil English and Hindi

  Personal Profile:


                  Name                                     :         Mohamed Nawaz. K


            Fathers name                :         Kamal Batcha .P


            Date of Birth                           :         18th OCTOBER 1989.


            Gender                         :         Male


            Marital Status                :        Single


            Religion                        :         Muslim


            Nationality                     :         Indian


            Passport No                           :         J2914663




I hereby declare that all the above furnished information is true to the best of my knowledge.


                                                                                                                                    (K. Mohamed Nawaz)



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