• Currently in Doha , Qatar, on a visit visa.
Looking for a job well suuited for my profile.
B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) from Maharaja institute of technology(MIT-MYSORE) with zeal to make a winning career inMEP, Process Engineering and Reliability Engineering
• Merit of achieving Certificate in Mechanical CADD, HVAC and Firefighting
• Skilled in Thermal Engineering (Automotive and Air Conditioning), Building Services, Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing, Operations Management, Mechatronics and Robotics
• Possess knowledge of HVAC Design and Drafting, Firefighting, Product Design, Computer aided design and Computer integrated manufacturing.
• Keen communicator with excellent interpersonal skills & capability to grasp new concepts & utilise them in a productive manner.
Engg. Mouien Khan.
MEP Engineer.
+974 5072 1630
[email protected]
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