About 8 years experience, 3.5 years in UAE in the field of HV/LV/OHL Electrical works for Power Infrastructure under Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) in different type of projects such as 33/22/11KV cable laying, Installation of 33/22/11/0.4KV package unit (P/U) & indoor/outdoor
sub-station, TRM, QRM, Transformer, Feeder Pilar (FP), Service Turret (ST), HV/LV control panel, MCC Panel, Control Cabinet (CC) and also Overhead Lines, Ground Mounted Transformer (GMT), Pole Mounted Transformer (PMT), H-Pole, Vertical Mounted Switch (VMS), VMSF, Lighting Arrestor, Various types of Insulator, etc.
I have the ADDC (Project Engineer) approval for the Long Term Rate Agreement ( LTRA) Projects and an Approved Competent Person to work up to 33KV Electrical Distribution Network.
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