J.Jamil khan,BE
mail:[email protected]
Mobile – India – 00974-55973406
Job Application
Subject: Applying for the post of Electrical engineer.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I take this opportunity to introduce myself for the Post of Electrical engineer in your organization. I, J.Jamilkhan, Bachelor of Engineering professional with 5+ years’ experience as a Cable pulling engineer in India, Qatar.
I am Past 5 years working in Doha, Qatar as Electrical engineer and I would like to work with your organization so as to utilize the acumen in me for the growth of the organization and myself
I have enclosed my CV with this and I am looking forward to discuss the opportunity of joining in your organization in further.
Yours sincerely,
1. Electric Power Distribution :
• High Voltage, Medium Voltage and Low Voltage underground networks.
• Lighting System “street & area fields”.
• Package substations, switching substations.
• Provided power distribution to the customer.
2. Electric Power transmission :
• Installation of 11 KV,33KV,66KV,132KV,22OKV underground lines.
• Installation& Commissioning of INDOOR & OUTDOOR SUBSTATION.
• Installation& Commissioning of H.V/M.V cables, joints and terminations.
3. Quality Control:
• To undertake QC functions in the workplace for daily QC activities.
• To interface and coordinate with clients for QC matters and coordinate with third party inspection agencies for all related inspection activities.
• To prepare Quality Control procedures, Inspection Test Plans (ITP) according to project requirements and client specifications.
• To plan and supervise Subcontractor inspection activities and reviews of Sub Contractor QC performance.
• To supervise staff for reporting, recording and inspection activities.
• To have a proactive approach in problem solving.
4. Project Management:
• Managing preliminary project plan, site selection, layout, preliminary engineering, detailed engineering, equipment specification, etc.
• Handling technical indents & tenders, control, inspection & handling the materials & spares including workshop jobs for optimized plant availability & downtime reduction using effectively SAP module.
• Acting as the Team Member planning optimum spare parts management, technical drawings formations, improvement suggestions, means to reduce COPs, etc.
Experience: Having 5 years.
1. LARSEN AND TOUBRO, Chennai (under PRAVEEN ELECTRICALS) 2007-2008.
Responsibilities: To Maintain the UPS and AHU (Air handling units).
Company profile: our company is one of the a + grade contractor in KAHRAMAA
PROJECT: GTC 586, GTC 512,GTC 555,GTC 666,GTC 707, GTC 554.
• As per the procedure, I receive the customer work request (CWR) from KAHRAMAA.(Qatar electricity and water corporation )
• Extensive knowledge in Analysis the signal line(chat) drawing.
• Inspect the site and rectifying if any problem before we can start the work.
• Co-ordinates with GIS technologists for cable route marking.
• Excavation done by as per the KAHRAMAA standard.
• Requesting to consultant inspect the site, step by step procedure.
• Inspect the cable lying as per the KAHARMAA standard.
• Planning and co-ordination (Installation team) for shifting, erection and installation of MV and LV panels
• Intermediate between client (KAHRAMAA) and company.
• Guiding team during installations, termination and attending complaints.
• Quality Audit.
• Executing team for installation, commissioning and cable termination.
Reporting to internally and daily basis.
• Inspect the cable jointer-joining MV, LV cables and connecting customers to the electricity supply network.
• Site surveyor and complete the shunt down in that target date.
• Submitting reports to GIS section for updating jointing, termination and shut down works.
• Co-ordination for invoice preparation and work completion certificate.
• Contract management.
• Inspect the cable trench, trays for laying of cables as per approved drawing and Specifications.
• The cable drums shall be properly supported on suitable jacks in such a way that the cable eaves the drums from the top portion of the drum.-
• Suitable cable rollers shall be located at regular intervals and at bends to prevent dragging of cables along the ground. Larger diameter of cables shall be laid with the assistance of a winch with the concurrence of the Client Representative.-
• Cable trenches shall be checked for sand bedding, sizes against approved drawings and specification.-
• Sufficient manpower shall be ensured for the laying of cables properly and to the satisfaction of the Customer.-
• Physical separation of not less than 300mm shall be provided between HV and LV cables. Sufficient spacing between Cable Racks/Trays/Ladders/Structures/Walls & Columns shall be provided as per AFC drawings. Minimum 50mm shall be maintained.
• Underground cables shall avoid close proximity to pipe crossing and parallel pipe runs-
• After laying of cables in trenches/trays/ladders, proper dressing of cables shall be carried out to avoid crossing of cables and easy identification etc..
• All cable trays and trucking’s shall be inspected and approved. Suitable supports and brackets shall be ensured. It shall be ensured that the cables in trucking’s shall occupy not more than45% of the available space.-
• Sand bedding with clean & dry sand of 100mm below and above of cables shall be ensured for cables laid in UG trances. Protective tiles and warning tapes shall be installed as per AFC drawings.-
• After completion of cable laying, Client Representative shall be called for inspection before backfilling.
• Physical separation between HV, MV,LV Cables laid in the same trench shall be in accordance with Standard Electrical Drawings.
• Transformers, Voltage Regulators, CB’s, PT’s, CT’s, HV Switches and Station Service Equipment and AC/DC System such as UPS, Chargers, Batteries and Transfer Switches.
• Testing of CT, P.T, Circuit Breaker, Switch Gear and power Transformers.
• 33/11KV,50MVA make transformer testing like IR,WINDING RESISTENCE,VOLTAGE,RATIO,VECTOR group, CT/PT ratio.
• Testing and Commissioning of control & relay panel for, Transformer and Bus Coupler, motor Feeder and Line Feeder.
• Control Relay panel scheme check up to 33KV system.
• Preventive maintenance of Transformer, UPS &Batteries.
• Inspection of control and relay panel, preparation of test Report and cable schedule Erection and maintenance of HT/LT Equipment & Cables.
• Supervise the setting and testing of the protection guard of the main step‐up and auxiliary power transformer like oil and winding temperature and gas pressure.
• Instillation and Testing of HV, LV electrical equipment’s.
• SF6 Gas handling services.
• Power Quality/disturbance Analysis.
• Ground system testing
Educational Qualification:
• Qualification Awarded: Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and communication.
• Institution: Sudharsan engineering college, Anna University.
• Completion Date: 2011.
• Qualification Awarded :Diploma in Electronics and communication.
• Institution: Subramanian polytechnic college, DOTE.
• Completion Date: 2007.
Personal Details:
Date of Birth 4 sep 1988
Civil Status Married.
Nationality Indian
Permanent Address S/O U.Jabarulla,
Madurai (DT).
Mail id [email protected]
Mob: 00974-55973406
Languages Known Good oral and written Tamil and English. Working level (Hindi and Malayalam).
Passport number K8147367 (15/10/2012 TO 14/10/2022)
Sir, given an opportunity I am eager to work in your organization with the best of my abilities. I solemnly declare that all the above written particulars are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Yours truly
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