

Member since: July 2017
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Mohammed Imran

B.Tech. (Civil Engineer)



Mobile: +974-33560113, +974-33538339





                Contribute towards professional skills for profitability and achievements of the company in the field of Engineering; this would be possible by achieving consistently the objective of management in particular along with my technical expertise and by helping other departments in process of meeting their goals.





Possessing 2 years of experience in Building/Infrastructure where planning & implementation are involved.


  • Constantly working towards developing skills in the latest emerging technologies and exploring opportunities that suit best for the individual’s strengths and the Enterprise.
  • Has the ability to perform job on high rise buildings, villas, Hotels, etc.
  • Good at understanding all the technical drawings.






  • Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) in first division with distinction from JAWAHARLAL NEHRU University with 70.21%.


  • Intermediate (12th) in MPC with A grade from Board of Intermediate Education with 68.5%.


  • Secondary School Certificate (10th) in first division from Board of Secondary Education with 70%.





Company                                               :               Ahmed Associates.


Designation                                           :               Site Engineer.


Projects    Handled                             :               1. Simra complex (G+3) commercial building.

                                                                         2. Duplex building (G+2) residential building.

                                                                         3. Ashiyaan building (G+2) residential building.


Duration                                                :               19th JUNE 2015 -1st July 2017.


  • Maintain quality of work as per QCS and follow the construction rules.
  • Took instructions from the superiors and carried out the tasks identified by them.
  • Complied with all the quality procedures and project specifications.
  • Conducted daily onsite meeting with site foremen and Sargent to organize the works for the following day.
  • Studied & understood the drawings thoroughly prior to execution of works.
  • Executed and monitored works by taking into consideration all the approved quality measures.
  • Made daily and weekly work progress reports and make sure that the project works are progressing as per the planning schedules.
  • Executed Civil & Finishing works like brick works / Plastering works and tiling and painting works.
  • Site quantity take-off and placing material request well advance for any activity to be executed.
  • Strictly adhering to the lines and levels marked by the surveyor and also cross check for any visible errors.
  • Managed foremen and manpower to the best of my ability.
  • Proven abilities to work under extreme pressure so as to achieve the target schedule.



  • Diploma in AutoCAD.
  • Trained in primavera p6 ( planning engineer).
  • Quantity surveying.
  • Good at MS Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Presentation & Communication skills.



  •  Hardworking, self-confident meets deadlines on task entrusted and ample analyzing capacity.
  • Takes Initiative and no additional directions are required once work is explained and assigned.




Nationality                            :            Indian

Date of birth                         :            29th July 1993

Religion                                 :             Islam

Gender                                   :             male

Maritial status                     :             UN married

Driving License                    :             valid Indian driving license

Passport number                  :             N 0886160

              Date of expiry                     :            13-07-2025

              Place of issue                      :            Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Visa Status                             :             Work Business visit visa.(3 months)




                I certify that the above mentioned facts are true & correct abiding to my knowledge & beliefs.


                                                                                                                                                     Mohammed Imran

                                                                                                                                                     (Civil engineer)


YES I HAVE a face book account with a name of imran malik I DONT HVE A TWITTER ACCOUNY

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