

Member since: July 2015
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Govindarajan Ganesan                          

Mobile: +974-70464835 

Email: [email protected]

Current Location: Doha, Qatar.

Visa: NOC Available.


Experience Summary


·         More than 9 years of commercial experience in creating and supporting High volume enterprise wide Web applications using ASP, ASP.Net, C#.NET,VB.NET, WCF, SQL server, T-SQL,XML, JSON,CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax ,HTML,IIS.

·         Experience in online banking and Interfacing CBS (Core banking System) payment systems using RESTful (JSON/XML) Web Service.

·         Experience on Android Development


Technical Skills and Abilities


Web Technologies          :


Languages                        :

C#, VB with Dot Net Framework (2.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5), Java

Framework                         :

WCF,MVC, Bootstrap 3.0

Development Tools        :

Microsoft Visual Studio .Net (2005,2008,2010,2013,2015)

Database                          :

MS-SQL Server(2005, 2008, 2012, 2014), ORACLE 10g/11g, MySQL 5.2

Scripting Language         :

JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX

Reporting Tools               :

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) (2012,2014), Crystal Report 10, Source Forge - Report Man / iText sharp

Data Interchange Lang  :


Style Script                         :

CSS 2.0,2.1

Servers                                 :

Internet Information Services (IIS) (6.0,7.0,7.5,8.5), Apache Tomcat

Other Technologies        :

MS Enterprise Library ,Infragistics Web Controls 7.1

Software Versioning      :

Apache Subversion (SVN)

Software packing tool    :

InstallShield (2015,2016)

Android Development  :

Android Studio 3.0


Professional Experience

Gulf Contracting Co. (W.L.L) ( – Senior Programmer     Sep 2015 – Till to date

SysArc Infomatix ( – Sr. Prog. / Team Lead                       Nov 2010 – July 2015

ZealTech Electromec ( – Software Engineer                      Jun 2009 – Nov 2010


Educational Qualification


Master of Computer Application, AAMEC - Thiruvarur, Anna University, India       Sep 2006 – Jun 2009

BSc., Computer Science, SKSS - Thiruppandal, Bharathidasan University, India       Aug 2003 - Jun 2006

Certificate Verified by Qatar Embassy (HRD)


ü    Degree Certificate - Master of Computer applications

ü    Consolidated Statement of Mark - M.C.A Degree


Experience / Projects Details


Gulf Contracting CO. (W.L.L) (Sr.Programmer)                                                                   Sep 2015 – Till to Date

Involved various research and development in GCC Web Portal Development, SSRS Reports development from COINS ERP System, GCC Customer Journey Map, Windows and WCF web Service for Android and Android development.


GCC Web Portal Development

                This is internet based application that provide various service to Gulf contracting Company and How United Services companies to automate the employees services and I involved in various development such as Migration of old portal functionality, ERP COINS Management Reports Modules, HR Module, Vehicle Management Module, CTS (Central Transport System) Module, Ticketing System, IT Asset Management Module, Online Leave Module, EDMS (Electronic Data Management System).

Web Portal Reference:

Customer Journey Map Reference:



                This is windows service to download the open XML file from COINS Server through samba server (Linux) and extract node and manipulate the data and stored in SQL Server for the COINS ERP Reports and it will extract the data by BOD (Beginning of the day) in incremental process.


Web Service for Android Application

                This web service developed for Android application to communicate the data between SQL Server and application using JSON data. It enable to read and write the data of GCC Portal service of Payslip, personal info, complaint register, user management and asset details of the employee.


Android Development

GCC Portal mobile application is developed to enhance the user access to pocket with limited functions of GCC Web portal like Profile information, Monthly Pay slip, Complaint Register and View, User Creation and Employee Search



·        Requirement gathering from Internal Departments and COINS Team

·        UI and System architecture design

·        Approval workflow design

·        Database design and development

·        Development of related Web(JSON) and Windows services(OPEN XML)

·        Extraction data from ERP COINS

·        BOD and EOD Process Scripts and Service development

·        Maintenance and bug fixing

·        Deployment of Portal, JSON Web and Windows services

·        Testing, optimization and Performance evaluation.

·        Deploying and creating setup engine for installation

·        Migration Scripts


Environment     : ASP.Net, C#, Open XML, Dot net framework 4.5, Bootstrap, WCF, SQL Server, SSRS (SQL Server Data Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio), Installshield, SVN (Source Controller), IIS (8.0,8.5)


SysArc Infomatix (Sr.Programmer / Team Lead)                                               Nov 2010 – July 2015

                  Involved in implementation, maintaining and extending the bank locker management accountability system, which automates renting lockers of different size, charge variable rent for personal and commercial customers, discount for special case customers, statistical data in 2D Graph , debiting the rent from customer account through standing instruction, Generating Notices and MIS reports for Head Offices, Divisional office and  branches.


SAFE for Karur Vysya Bank  - ( Mar 2013 – Jul 2015)

                Customized the base product of SAFE for KVB (Karur  Vysya Bank) with additional futures like Rack Concept, locker rent pricing for area wise, Advance and Caution deposit inventory, statistical data in 2D Graph, Financial and Anniversary year type rent collection through SOAP Web services and Interfacing through Linked Server Concept.



·        Requirement gathering from client

·        Gap Study with Base Product and Database redesign

·        Interface redesign and Development

·        Web development and Interface development


Environment     : ASP, ASP.Net, C#, XML, Dot net framework 4.0, Oracle 11g, JQuery, amcharts  version 3.0, SignalR, Reportman- 9b, CSS, SVN(Source Controller), IIS 7.5


LAPS offline Module For Central Bank of India – (Dec 2012 –Mar 2013)

CBI LAPS offline module is window based application that support for LAPS (Lending automation processing system) which is in J2EE.CBI LAPS offline collect the data from remote branches of CBI and upload it to online LAPS, these data are distributed to LAPS Server. CBI offline gather information like Customer Profile, Co-Applicant, Security Details, if the customer is a group of Company then its sister concern details and assets, liability, Bank arrangements and financial data for Five year and stores it in MS Access (.mdb) and the MDB file is uploaded to online LAPS and the data is distributed to LAPS Server.



·        Requirement gathering from client and System architecture design

·        Development and Bug Fixing

·        Supporting system testing and User acceptance testing (UAT)

·        Technical testing


Environment     : C#.Net, Dot net framework 3.5, MS Access 2003, XML, InstallShield



SAFE For Canara Bank – Migration (ASP to ASP.NET) - (Nov 2010 –Dec 2012)

                Intranet Application for Lockers Management system that enable the bank user to account the locker details and maintain inventory of rent collection for every year i.e. based on the financial year. To perform locker activities like Locker allocation, Waiting list, Locker Access, Report, Notices for locker operation remainder, Finger Print Authentication for Locker Access through Web Services, Rent Collection through REST web services



·        System architecture designer

·        Migration Management

·        Web development

·        Supporting system testing

·        Maintenance and Bug Fixing

·        EOD Process Management


Environment     : ASP, ASP.Net, C#, XML, XSL, Dot net framework 3.5, MS SQL server 2008, JQuery, AJAX, CSS,SVN, IIS 6.0


Zealtech Electromec (Programmer)                                                                                        Jul 2009 – Nov 2010


This application is to learn how to do pre and post lab test for electronics students through online. The detail of the project is describing about generating the student’s lab record for each semester and it gives final report for the corresponding staff allocated for that lab. We provide knowledge based assessment to the student about the academic subjects. The question paper will be created by the staff from the question bank by picking multiple questions.


·        System architecture design,

·        Coding (ASPX, HTML DHTML) and Bug fixing

·        Created database tables ,queries, triggers using T-SQL

·        Code reviews and walkthroughs

·        Testing, optimization and Performance evaluation.

·        Deploying and creating setup engine for installation


Environment     : ASP.Net, C#, XML, XSL, Dot net framework 2.0, Infragistics Web Controls 7.1, MySQL 5.2, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, Crystal Report 10.0, SVN,IIS 6.0


Personal Information

Date of Birth                      :  31st March 1986

Sex                                         : Male

Marital Status                   : Married

Current location               : Doha, Qatar

Location Preference       : Anywhere in Qatar

Visa Status                          : Work Visa with NOC (Transferable)

Passport                              : S1204539

Availability                         : Immediately available

Driving License                 : Clean India driving license


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