

Member since: January 2017
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Work responsibility

1.RO-SW Desalination plant water analysis,

2. Raw material sampling &analysis,RO-SW Product checking and all pharma products                  testing.

3.Uv photometer calibration and analysis sample purity checking

4  Pharamaceutical  raw material , finished goods checking purity.

5. pH meter HACH 40d& 11d  calibration

6.Turbidity meterHACH 2100N & HACH 2100Q   calibration

7.Photometer Hach DR1900 & Hach DR 6000 Handling

8.ORP Meter  calibration

9.Documents are created and Controling.

10.Melting point apparatus handling

11.Chemical test are known to total hardness, alkalinity, Tss, chloride, sodium , calcium ,etc…

12.HPLC and Uv spectro photometer ,FT-IR ,DISSOLUTION tester handling