Jobseeker profile






M.L. Zaheer (Srilankan)                                                 

Qatar-Mobile No: 71086761                                                                                                                                                                            

E-Mail-: [email protected]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Address in Doha-Qatar-Zone 53, Street 790, Muaither 



Accounts Payable/Accounts Recievable/Revenue/Cost control/Payroll/Inventory Control/General Ledger/MIS/Reporting….


Career Objective

Seeking a result oriented career in an organization involving challenging responsibilities to utilise and improve my skills and abilities in the field of Finance, Accounting, MIS that offers knowledge enrichment and professional growth while being resoucesful, innovative and flexible to build my career and assist in the growth of the organisation in an efficient and effective manner.



v  Over Fourteen years of Domain Experience in the Field of Finance/Accounting Under

Computerized Environment

v  Excellent verbal and written communication in English

v  Strong computational, analytical & Problem solving skills with motivation to learn new concepts.




Organization                 Terminal Inn Edar City Center(Contract Basis)

Business                        Four Star Hotel

Position                                              Senior Accountant (01-Jun-2023 to till to date)


Duties & Responsibilities


v  Prepared and Supervising of all Payable & Payroll Related Work

v  Prepared and Supervising of Receivable and Income Audit Related Work

v  Ensured daily posting of revenues and expenses to the appropriate books

v  Reconcile and review accounts ,general ledger ,and other financial records

v  Preparation of Bank Reconciliation

v  Preparing Profit and Loss accounts and the Balance sheet for Senior Management

v  Preparing budgets and business planning,including projected room revenue

v  Analysing the cash flow report in every month end




Organization                  Holiday Inn IZDIHAR-KSA-Riyadh

Business                        Five Star Hotel (Managed by Intercontinental Hotel Group-IHG)

Position                                              Accountant (Jan 13th 2010 to Jan 24th 2016)           


Duties & Responsibilities


Payable & Inventory


v  Performing & careful calculation in reviewing invoices issued against terms of purchase order and agreement

v  Transfer & Posting all the invoices from MC to SUN with Original GL Coding

v  Administration of Vendor Master data

v  Processing the Supplier reconciliation and analysis the ageing of supplier

v  Reviewing and verifying the Contract Supplier and maintain the contract

v  Reconciliation of the contract supplier and maintain the full records

v  Maintaining the advance supplier records and clearing advance supplier after receiving the goods or service

v  Suggestion and implementation of Proper internal control system for Payable and stock movement

v  Transfer & Posting the all the issue request from MC to SUN with original GL Code

v  Verifying the all the Pettycash expenses with all details,approval and GL Coding

v  Preparing and Processing all regular payment runs

v  Preparation of all the Payroll related payment and Posting with GL Coding

v  Checking  all the GL Posting which is related to Payable & Inventory

v  Regular review of trail balance and varifying the control GL accounts



Payroll-Holiday Inn Izdihar-KSA-Riyadh


v  Arranging the Payment of Staff salary through the computerized Payroll system(Checking and reviewing the new joiners, Vacation, Final Exit, late joiners, loan,cityledger, absentees etc.)

v  Processing the Payroll on a monthly basis through the Paytrax System(Over 300 Employee)

v  Calculation & Processing of all  vacation and End of Service benefits

v  Reconciliation of the payroll month to month

v  Transfer the  Payroll JV from Paytrax to SUN System


Receivable- Holiday Inn IZDIHAR-KSA-Riyadh

v    Daily Collection of Folios from Night Auditor

v    Checking the Night audit report and transfer the geust amount to city ledger through Opera

v    Daily Checkout banquet Function

v  Daily Preparation of Invoices and submitted to Customers throught Bill collectors

v     Solve the disputes with Companies (Reconciliation Customer city ledger)

v     Posting Payment in Opera once received

v  Processing Credit card reconciliation manually

v     Follow up the Payment as per agieng of Customer

v     Administraion of Customer Master Data


GL- Holiday Inn IZDIHAR-KSA-Riyadh


v  Preparation and maintain the Pettycash reimbursement.

v  Preparing and maintaing accounts records,updating accurals&Prepayment

v  Analysing and maintaing the corporate accounts recorts

v  Preparation of monthly bank Reconciliation

v  Maintaning the CAPEX file and running the depreciation

v  Preparation of Balance sheet Reconciliation in every month

v  Assisting and arranging sample for External and internal audit

v  Reqular reviweing and assisting to preparation of trail balance,P&L accounts and Balance sheet,Cashflow St

Software Used: SUN & Vision & Material Control (MC), Opera, Advance Excel


Organization                  Geant Saudi Ltd

Business                        Retail Hyper Market-KSA-Riyadh

Position                                               Accountant (Nov 1st 2007 to 10th Oct 2009)


Accounts Payable Site


§  Invoice Checking with purchase order and validation

§  Preparing the purchase reconcilation and loading the invoices to oracle

§  Preparing the supplier reconcilation and confirming the supplier statement balance

§  Creating credit note and passing the Jv

§  Booking all other income in oralce(Gondola Fee, Space rent,listing fee,promotion and advertisement fee,rebate,progressive rebate )

§  Stock taking and validation (comparing the physical invetory with system) and adjusting the gap as per the negative positive adjustment

§  Arranging the invoices as per preliminary statement and spooling checques.

§  Calculating the gross margin


Revenue Site


§  Checking the CCO report

§  Preparing the section wise sales report

§  Passing the JV of sales classification entries

§  Downloading bank statement history for find out the collection account and passing JV

§  Sales breakdown updating

§  Downloading the SMA report for credit card reconciliation

§  Credit card claiming for the month


General Ledger Site


§  Maintaining the prepayment and monthly amortization

§  Managing the fixed assets register (Assets capitalization and run the depreciation)

§  Handled petty cash float of location and completing the all-related activities (preparing updated analysis sheet, Expense wise, passing the journal entry and preparing reimbursement cheque Through the oracle finance

§  Preparation of monthly bank reconciliation

§  Passing requires and other GL entries (bank charges, cashier shortages recovery, miscellaneous Income...etc)

§  Payroll related work-checking the personal reports, preparing End of the services settlement, vacation payment, payroll card refund, HR advances, ticket entitle for all passing the JV and making the payment

§  Looking after non-commercial supplier (trolley boy supplier, cleaning supplier etc...)

§  Allocating the provision which is required for particular expenses

§  Preparation of Budget (Sales Budget, Staff Cost Budget, Expenses Budget…etc)

§  Assisting and arranging sample for External and internal audit

§  Analysing the trial balance and every accounts statement

§  Preparation of MIS Report

Software Used: Oracle basis accounting system (ERP) & Gold (Payable & Inventory), Advance Excel




Organization                  Maulana Travels & Tours Pvt (Ltd)

Business                        Travels and tours-Hospitality Services

Position                          Accountant           (Aug 2019 to 28-Apr-2023)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Software Used:  Quick Book, Advance Excel Duties: The Duties ranged from book keeping to making final Accounts (Preparation of Cash flow, P&L accounts, Balance-sheet)


Organization                   Micron Technologies Pvt (Ltd)

Business                         Software Trading Co

Position                           Accountant          (Jun-2018 to Jul-2019)                                                                                                                                                                       

Software Used: Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub, Advance Excel

Duties: Reconciliation of Receivable Master Data, Analysing of Ageing, Preparation of Purchasing Order, Reconciliation of Payable Vendor data, Preparation of Payment (Supplier Payment, Petty cash, Staff Salary and other payment), Stock taking and validation, posting JVs for all transection, supporting on monthly VAT Returns, Withholding tax returns, Preparation of MIS Report.


Organization                   Teema       Biscuit Manufacturer Pvt (Ltd)  

Business                               Manufacturing Co

Position                           Accountant          (Jun 2017 to Jun 2018)                                                                                                                                                                         

Software Used:   Quick Book, Advance Excel

Duties: Process vendor payments and accounts receivables in an accurate and timely manner *Liaising with

factory staff on day-to-day operational issues and analysis. *Attending for stock verification and validate stock accuracy with the system*Verify petty cash schedule with vouchers and arrange the payments*Product costing, variance analysis, import costing and production efficiency measures monitoring.*Supervision of Payable Receivale and GL,MIS Reporting



Organization                   Access Engineering (Pvt) Ltd

Business                         Construction Company

Position                           Assistant Accountant     (Aug 2005 to December 2006)

Software Used: SAGE Line, Advance Excel


§    Bachelor  of Commerce( Eastern University of Srilanka(2007)




§  National Certificate in English    

§  Diploma in MS-Office XP

§  Diploma in computerized Accounting (Accpac,Quick Book.M.Y.O.B,Tally)

§  Certificate in Capacity Building Program on Export Facilitaion of EDB(Through USAID)


Name in Full                                                                -           Zaheer Mustapha Lebbe

Permanent Address-in QATAR   - Zone 53, Street 790, 2nd Floor, Room No-17, Building-109

Date of Birth                                                                                                                                                                                                     -          1981.10.29           Sex: Male

Marital Status                                                                                                  -                                   Married

Religion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -  Muslim

Nationality                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -  Srilankan-Eastern Part of Srilanka-Nintavur

Passport no.                                 -  N9856221

Linguistic Proficiency                                                                       -  English,Tamil,Arabic,Malayalam,Sinhala,Hindi

Personal E-mail                                                                                   -  [email protected]

Contact In DOHA-QATAR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -  71086761    

WhatsApp  No                               - 71086761                                                                                                                         


References (1)                                                               Mr.Ghassan Sadiq(Tel No:+966593189706-E [email protected])

                                                              Cluster Director of Finance & Business Support Manager-Office+966138452888

                                                                Intercontinental Alkhobar,Saybridge Alkhobar-KSA- Al Bandariyah Area,

                                                                                                                                                                         Ibn Bassam Al Andalussi St., PO Box 34424 , Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia(Jordanian)


                     (2)                                                                                                                                                Mr.A.M.Ansar( in Finance)-Mob No-31435445

                                                         Accounts Executive, Central Inn Hotel,DOHA-QATAR                                                                                                                                  






I do hereby declare that all the  Information Furnished above is fair and true to the best of my Knowladged.


                                                                                                                     Yours in Service 

                                                                                                                  Zaheer Mustapha Lebbe                                                                                                


Zahir Mustaph