haseena arshad

haseena arshad

Member since: March 2018
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Jobseeker profile


 +97477480127:      Condact No

 +91 9746572028:    Whatsup No
Doha - Qatar
Email: [email protected]



CARRIER OBJECTIVE:                                                                                                               .


                Seeking a profession with a well-known organization. To work with a growing organization for a dynamic learning experience and to contribute substantially to the development of the organization. Dedicated to achieve targets while providing excellent service.


CARRIER STRENGTH:                                                                                                               .


  • Hardworking with quick learning skills
  • Familiar and expert in all office software applications such as MS Word, Excel,

Power Point, especially Adobe Photo shop etc.

  • Sound knowledge in Safety policies & Procedures.
  • Good Communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Easily adaptable to work under pressure.
  • Resourceful and Systematic Approach of Responsibilities.
  • Able to work independently, but promotes effective team working.
  • Dependable, Confident, Enthusiastic, Committed, Loyal & Honest.



·         ITI (COMPUTER OPERATER AND PROGRAMMING ASSISTANT)                                                                                                        

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:                                                                                              .




Role & responsibilities


  • Oversee all aspects of general office coordination
  • Maintain office calendar to coordinate work flow and meetings.
  • Maintain confidentiality in all aspects of client, staff and agency information.
  • Filling of documents and handling correspondence, drafting letters, mails


EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:                                                                                      .


·         ITI(COMPUTER OPERATER AND PROGRAMMING ASSISTANT)Affiliated to National Council for vocational training (NCVT)

  • Associate  Board of Higher Secondary Examination Biology science (70%)  – Govt. of Kerala (plus Two)
  • Secondary School Leaving Certificate from Board of Secondary School Leaving Examination – Govt.  of Kerala


COMPUTER PROGRAMMING SKILLS:                                                                                              .


  • Practiced Operating Systems:  Windows95, Windows2000, Windows XP, Windows7.
  • Practiced Office Package:  Programming in C, C++, Adobe Photo shop, MS Word, Excel, Oracle,


PERSONAL DETAILS:                                                                                                                .


Age & Date of Birth    : 26 & 7th july 1991

Religion Caste             : Muslim

Sex                               : Female

Marital Status               : Married

Nationality                   : Indian

Languages Known       : English,Hindi,Tamil and Malayalam

Passport No.                 : R4630366

            Driving Licence No      : 25/7949/2015(IN INDIA)


DECLARATION                                                                                                                            .


 I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If I am offered an opportunity to work I will discharge the duties entrusted to me to the best of my capacity and to the entire satisfaction of my superiors.





Place: DOHA                                                                                        

Date:                                                                            HASEENA ARSHAD