
Member since: January 2018
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Jobseeker profile



CONTACT                 Building No: 4, Zone 53,

                                   702, Mueen Bin Omar Street,

                                   Muaither area, Doha, Qatar.


  PASSPORT NO         H6489572  


  VISA NUMBER         382017472391 (HAVE N0C) 

E-mail  :  [email protected]

Phone   :  +974 30745746





Infonet Comm Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.,

 July 2009 — Oct 2012


                                Technical Head


Team Lead for security, repair, installation, migration, and maintenance of large-scale Wireless, Coaxial, and Fiber NETWORK  of  over 1000 end users. Managed all aspects of several network implementations including network planning, design, testing, documentation, deployment and maintenance of Wireless CPE and Windows based system. Responsible for complete support, installation, maintenance and training for all network and system components.



Radiant Wireless Networks                                    Oct 2012 — Nov 2017


                                Technical Head

                                 Team Lead for security, repair, installation, migration, and

Maintenance of complete support, installation, maintenance and training for all

Network and system components. Managed all aspects of network.



EDUCATION             SSLC                                                                                                           

            Government high school                                                                 1999-2000

            Fort Namakkal.


            Sri Aanjanaya higher secondary                                                       2000-2002

            School Namakkal.   


DIPLOMA in petrochemical technology.

               Nandha polytechnic college, Erode-32.

B.TECH    in chemical engineering.

               Kongu engineering college,   Erode-32.









Microsoft Windows (all versions) Linux - Red Hat  Based  distributions Linux - Debian Based distributions









Technologies –


TCP/IP,  overall VPN solutions, WLAN,HTTP,OSPF, RIP/RIP2, BGPv4, EGIRP,  DHCP, DNS, FTP, Web Proxy, Web Content Filtering, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, Web mail.


  • Major in System Administration of ISP with Linux environment.
  • Managing Internet users and their attributes.
  • Maintaining WWW, MAIL, FTP and other Internet Services of ISP.
  • Processing ISP Log files and managing automatic billing process.


Linux And Windows:-


Extensive experience as an Linux And Windows (Solaris, FreeBSD,SUSE, Red Hat and Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server, CentOS,Ubuntu Server,Windows 2003 server ,windows 2008) server  System Administrator.

                                                 Expertise in Windows and Linux system installation, configuration,

administration, the development and testing of backup and recovery methodologies, troubleshooting, capacity and performance planning, performance tuning, preventative maintenance, monitoring and alerting setup and security hardening.

Major in System Administration of ISP with Linux environment.

Configured Servers like DNS,  DHCP, Samba, NFS, NIS,  Send mail, http, daemon, Ftp, Telnet, SSH, Firewalls ,Mrtg,Squid,and package management using RPM  and Deb patch management






        • 8 Years in Wireless LAN Products and Protocols


        • DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection) Testing on Access Points Regulatory domains. Extensive Experience in System Testing of Wireless LAN Products.


        • Good Understanding of IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n Technologies.



        • Hands on experience in different test beds like Security, Regulatory, HTTP, CLI, SNMP, Wireless bridging.


        • Good experience on SNMPV1, SNMPV2c versions and Trap functionality.



        • Thorough understanding on 11n and legacy (802.11a/b/g/n) AP’s including Atheros property SuperG technology. Understanding and debugging the problems.


        • Worked on different Customer issues and involved in reproducing and debugging complex customer issues/scenarios.


        • Development and Review of Test cases for various products with different functionalists. Ability to meet tight deadlines and work under pressure.





Apache,squid, Squid guard, squirrel mail,roundcube,zimbra collaboration suite,Nagios,webmin,filezilla,vmware,virtualbox,cacti,Gns3,php-MyadminMy sql,qemu,xampp,sarg,webalizer,Mikrotik Dude,Cpanel,ispconfig,Lisp,

Radius Manager.









Name                           :           A.ASHWINRAJ

Date of Birth                :           18.05.1985

Father Name               :           S.ASHOKAN

Sex                               :           Male.

Marital Status              :           Married.

Languages Known        :           Tamil and English

Nationality                   :           Indian

Permanent Address     :           No 15/8A, Karuppanan Street,

R.P pudur,

Namakkal, Tamilnadu-637 001.














                      I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.








       PLACE      :   QATAR                                                                                             YOURS FAITH FULLY


       DATE        :                                                                                              










