
Member since: August 2016
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Jobseeker profile

Dear sir/madam,

This is padmanathan from india, now in Doha with Transferable Visa.. I am an enthusiastic highly motivated Civil Engineer with 8+ years experience (1+ years Experience in Qatar) in High Rise Residential Buildings , villas, palace,. excellent knowledge of ms office, AUTO CAD.

current profile

job&roll: structural inspection, site executing, making BOQ, monitoring project as per planing, quality control.

current designation: project engineer

current employer : Dania Group-dania trading and contracting

*transferable visa with noc

*language -english,hindhi,tamil.

Area of expert: structural, finishing, auto cad. DPR,WPR.

I shall be thankful for a favorable response from you at an early date please.

Thank youRegardsPadmanathan