your salary start calculation on 25 to the last day of...
Dear, Sohail tell me how many...
what about Split A/C how many tons, model and price...
i offer you 300 QR
go to immigration office in the Q-Post main building in...
if you mean the shop was nearby Souq Waqif - Nigada...
السلام عليكم اخى الكريم اعرض عليك 500 ريال ثمنا...
no need
don`t worry this happened more . just tell the new...
Dear , i sent you sms and whatsApp but...
your salary start calculation on 25 to the last day of...
Dear, Sohail
tell me how many...
what about Split A/C how many tons, model and price...
i offer you 300 QR
go to immigration office in the Q-Post main building in...
if you mean the shop was nearby Souq Waqif - Nigada...
السلام عليكم
اخى الكريم اعرض عليك 500 ريال ثمنا...
no need
don`t worry this happened more . just tell the new...
Dear ,
i sent you sms and whatsApp but...