Q-Chem sells sulphur.
syeedonly4u is the one causing the problem!
if mowasalat is going to set the "standard" for the new...
@ bubbly1975...im proud to be your kabayan...
i thought hindi is the official language of india?...
you're right tallg, exif file shows a 20sec exposure...
Nice! did you take this pic handheld Baldrick?
thanks atif!
where is "Abdullah Bin Thani street"?
Q-Chem sells sulphur.
syeedonly4u is the one causing the problem!
...if mowasalat is going to set the "standard" for the new...
@ bubbly1975...im proud to be your kabayan...
...i thought hindi is the official language of india?...
you're right tallg, exif file shows a 20sec exposure...
Nice! did you take this pic handheld Baldrick?
...thanks atif!
where is "Abdullah Bin Thani street"?