In many cultures, it is accepted for younger women to...
Aids is here to stay.. Even in the West, with all the...
I agree totally that the government is at fault with...
The problem is also of humaity... Emergency care must...
You are right, I was a "fool" to geenralize. Theer was...
Sorry, I did not mean to offend.. it was just a...
It says that "At least 56,000 people become infected...
So, there's some hope for us "stomachly challenged"...
A muslim colleague's dauyghter who wears a scarf,...
In many cultures, it is accepted for younger women to...
Aids is here to stay.. Even in the West, with all the...
I agree totally that the government is at fault with...
The problem is also of humaity... Emergency care must...
You are right, I was a "fool" to geenralize. Theer was...
Sorry, I did not mean to offend.. it was just a...
It says that "At least 56,000 people become infected...
So, there's some hope for us "stomachly challenged"...
A muslim colleague's dauyghter who wears a scarf,...