If you pass the UPDA exam and get the grading, then it...
An expat cannot enter UAE without a valid visa. You...
"We had contacted the ministry officials who told...
The working hours differs on project basis. Mostly it...
Please do not use hazard lights while driving in rain...
Thank you for the reply.
As usual, this is just another drama of DMIS to squeeze...
My aim was to just create an awareness to any company...
Unless there are good trained drivers who observe the...
If you pass the UPDA exam and get the grading, then it...
An expat cannot enter UAE without a valid visa. You...
"We had contacted the ministry officials who told...
The working hours differs on project basis. Mostly it...
Please do not use hazard lights while driving in rain...
Thank you for the reply.
As usual, this is just another drama of DMIS to squeeze...
My aim was to just create an awareness to any company...
Unless there are good trained drivers who observe the...