Thelo.... I never said I know everything or I am the...
The fact is....this deceased Lady in question didn’t...
Thelo...Did they give you food and education... you...
I said Child Abuse by PARENTS....
Thelo I pitty your parents....:( I wish you are an...
MissM... Maybe abusing children is common in west......
Karrena where did say that she was talking to herself...
MissM...carrying a child in the womb for 9 months is...
Yes...but I dont blame the brother... we dont know what...
Risks...he said he is Happy...then why he need to visit...
Thelo.... I never said I know everything or I am the...
The fact is....this deceased Lady in question didn’t...
Thelo...Did they give you food and education... you...
I said Child Abuse by PARENTS....
Thelo I pitty your parents....:( I wish you are an...
MissM... Maybe abusing children is common in west......
Karrena where did say that she was talking to herself...
MissM...carrying a child in the womb for 9 months is...
Yes...but I dont blame the brother... we dont know what...
Risks...he said he is Happy...then why he need to visit...