Oh we missed you..when will you finish your damn class...
Wrong thread
Yea me KSA and Ray went for Breakfast in Sheraton..just...
its ladies only meet... not suppposed to talk about it...
KSA how ae you buddy? am good..just trying to do some...
Good morning Howdy girl?.... after two days you still...
Cant you use you AK 47..look at him hittin on females...
Why did you pm me??? You think I will make friendsheep...
Not today... its tomorrow..thank god am not blind.....
I dont mind... but I cannot talk ... I am deaf &...
Oh we missed you..when will you finish your damn class...
Wrong thread
Yea me KSA and Ray went for Breakfast in Sheraton..just...
its ladies only meet... not suppposed to talk about it...
KSA how ae you buddy? am good..just trying to do some...
Good morning Howdy girl?.... after two days you still...
Cant you use you AK 47..look at him hittin on females...
Why did you pm me??? You think I will make friendsheep...
Not today... its tomorrow..thank god am not blind.....
I dont mind... but I cannot talk ... I am deaf &...