Really sad to hear were doing a good job by...
Dont have bones only am good.. will be busy...
So many clockroches and few BMW's Youi know...
How are you sweetie?...sure you can call me
I agree with Shreeya, you will be able to save almost...
Good morning DaRude.... Cardinal... and all others...
I enjoy working with like minded people.. No hassles of...
Are you postin silly one line questions to get points?...
So many things happend during my absense...KSA kya hua...
How are you girl? You got the updates...pic will be in...
Really sad to hear were doing a good job by...
Dont have bones only am good.. will be busy...
So many clockroches and few BMW's Youi know...
How are you sweetie?...sure you can call me
I agree with Shreeya, you will be able to save almost...
Good morning DaRude.... Cardinal... and all others...
I enjoy working with like minded people.. No hassles of...
Are you postin silly one line questions to get points?...
So many things happend during my absense...KSA kya hua...
How are you girl? You got the updates...pic will be in...