If it not 4 times of your last salary in Canada or USA...
First, Promise to give me party at first salary.....
1, Follow your parents,, 2, Follow your parents...
Just do the opposite of how you gained all that weight...
Insurance guy told , count from the year of...
Clean your neighbour's 4WD
Su, your presentation will keep me smiling till next...
Spiker, Someone on bussiness visa cannot work, if not...
Caution, my sony is not changing zoom when in movie...
dd, what would you do if a 3rd offer comes your way ?...
If it not 4 times of your last salary in Canada or USA...
First, Promise to give me party at first salary.....
1, Follow your parents,,
2, Follow your parents...
Just do the opposite of how you gained all that weight...
Insurance guy told , count from the year of...
Clean your neighbour's 4WD
Su, your presentation will keep me smiling till next...
Spiker, Someone on bussiness visa cannot work, if not...
Caution, my sony is not changing zoom when in movie...
dd, what would you do if a 3rd offer comes your way ?...