bad news..Just one solution. Goto Police to...
I bet then soon he will get big trouble. 300.000...
Goto Carefour 1 Terabyte more cheapest...
Just try now. Strange. from here It's open......
You must learn to respect to country u earn something...
Don't worry Your money will back.. just do...
why not tell the staff people there's or call police,...
Don't worry its just simple process
I just curious, why u got ban?? it more 10 years right...
Can'nt do anything, Ban employeement include all GCC....
bad news..Just one solution.
Goto Police to...
I bet then soon he will get big trouble.
Goto Carefour 1 Terabyte more cheapest...
Just try now.
Strange. from here It's open......
You must learn to respect to country u earn something...
Don't worry Your money will back..
just do...
why not tell the staff people there's or call police,...
Don't worry its just simple process
I just curious, why u got ban?? it more 10 years right...
Can'nt do anything, Ban employeement include all GCC....