QDC = Qatar Drainage Cleanerz !!!!
Hello Hello dirty Fella KSA ....LoL
GM 2 U buddy...
LoL Khanan...
How u doing my friend ??
tatz great Raakhee...
Time for my Ghava ....LoL...
LoL thexonic ....
Let DraCula R.I.P ( Plz Dont...
Dont say me tat u r one of those...
LoooL Dracula ....
Uze some Ear Buds buddy ......
Raakhee Zee ....
Goody morning, How RU thiz S*xy...
Dracula LoL....
How come ur awake ?? R U the...
Did u clock striked at 4 OR u...
QDC = Qatar Drainage Cleanerz !!!!
Hello Hello dirty Fella KSA ....LoL
GM 2 U buddy...
LoL Khanan...
How u doing my friend ??
tatz great Raakhee...
Time for my Ghava ....LoL...
LoL thexonic ....
Let DraCula R.I.P ( Plz Dont...
Dont say me tat u r one of those...
LoooL Dracula ....
Uze some Ear Buds buddy ......
Raakhee Zee ....
Goody morning, How RU thiz S*xy...
Dracula LoL....
How come ur awake ?? R U the...
Did u clock striked at 4 OR u...